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 > 【Trastuzumab】


TRB-Y5b|Anti-Trastuzumab Antibody (AY5b) (recommended for PK/PD)
  1. 188XXXXXXX9
  2. 0人赞
  3. Must give it five stars! It's really great! ACRO is the only brand I trust. I have compared proteins from different manufacturers, and the one from his family has good activity and repeatability. The logistics is super fast, the freeze-dried powder is in good condition, and the information on coa is comprehensive. Thank you very much to acro. I hope acro will develop better and better TRB-Y1b
  4. 2023-04-14
TRB-Y1b|Anti-Trastuzumab Antibody (AY1b) (recommended for PK/PD)
  1. 188XXXXXXX9
  2. 0人赞
  3. ACRO is the only brand I trust. I have compared proteins from different manufacturers, and the one from his family has good activity and repeatability. The freeze-dried powder is in good condition, and the information on the coa is comprehensive. Thank you very much to acro. I hope acro will develop better and better.
  4. 2023-04-14
TRB-Y5b|Anti-Trastuzumab Antibody (AY5b) (recommended for PK/PD)
  1. 178XXXXXXX2
  2. 0人赞
  3. 必须给个五星好评!真的是太棒啦!ACRO是我只信赖的品牌。我有比较过不同厂家的蛋白,就他家的蛋白活性好,重复性好。物流超级快,冻干粉的状态好,coa上信息很全面。非常感谢acro,希望acro发展的越来越好。
  4. 2022-12-10

Trastuzumab 分子别名

Trastuzumab 分子背景

Trastuzumab, is a monoclonal antibody used to treat breast cancer. Specifically it is used for breast cancer that is HER2 receptor positive. Trastuzumab works by binding to the HER2 receptor and slowing down cell duplication. Trastuzumab is a recombinant IgG1 kappa, humanized monoclonal antibody that selectively binds with high affinity in a cell-based assay (Kd = 5 nM) to the extracellular domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor protein.

Trastuzumab 前沿进展


